I don't pronounce my R's. I call a liquor store a packie, and a garbage can a barrel.
I call a water fountain a bubblah.
Sprinkles are jimmies, a basement is a cellah, and a living room is a pahlah.
A dresser is a bureau, a milkshake is a frappe, and dinner is suppah.
I remember when Harry The Greek was thriving on the corner of East Berkeley and Washington.
I would often have breakfast at The Premier and lunch sitting at the countah at Liggett's with my Dad.
I often rode the EL as a kid, Boston's first elevated heavy rail metro line.
I remember Dover Station.
Any place west of Route 128 is the boonies, and although I prefer the ocean of the Maine Coastline, they say that Cape Cod is a piece of heaven right here on earth.
I ride the T.
I love that dirty wahtah of the Charles, but I know bettah than to swim in it.
I love the amazing history and culture of the great City of Boston, and the spirit of it's people.
I met my amazing wife at UMASS Amherst. Both my son and daughter also graduated from UMASS Amherst.
I'm a Bostonian and I'm wicked proud of it.